May 25, 2022
Express Entry draws will soon resume early in July and some policy changes taking effect this summer
Employers are actively searching to fill hundreds of thousands of unfilled posts in all sectors across Canada as the country recovers from the pandemic. Our strong economic growth is now surpassing our ability to find and retain people, making immigration more crucial than ever to power Canada's economy. Canada is a popular choice for international talent.
On April 22, 2022, the Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced that Express Entry draws will soon resume and that invitations for candidates to apply for permanent residence will begin in early July.
Minister Fraser also announced a new temporary policy today that will allow recent overseas graduates with temporary status that is about to expire to stay in Canada longer in order to obtain work experience and improve their chances of qualifying for permanent residency. Former international students in Canada who have a post-graduation work permit expiring between January and December 2022 will be eligible for an additional open work visa of up to 18 months beginning in summer 2022.
Additionally, today's announcement includes the following changes in policy :
Applicants will no longer be required to remain in Canada while their application is being processed.
Applicants who apply for an open work permit while waiting for their permanent residence application to be finalized will be able to get work permits valid until the end of 2024. This will ensure that all permanent residence applications will be finalized before applicants will need to apply to extend their temporary status again.
To support family reunification, immediate family members who are outside Canada and who were included in a principal applicant’s permanent residence application will be eligible for their own open work permit.